It is no secret that the Belgian taxes on income, derived from professional activities, are amongst the highest to be found anywhere in the world. As […]
Individuals, who do not reside in Belgium, are required to file a Belgian non-resident income tax return in case they earn income, which is taxable in […]
My colleague and friend Marc Popelier is proud to announce that as of today his wonderful book “Sights and Scenes of Japan” has become the best selling […]
The topic of international double taxation of dividend income has already been covered several times in this blog. The last years have seen a steady flow of […]
De Belgische fiscale behandeling van pensioenuitkeringen uit een Nederlandse bron vormt reeds jarenlang een thema waarover hardnekkige discussies ontstaan tussen belastingplichtigen en de Belgische fiscus. Er […]
Interesting exclusive visit to Gillet company. Is Belgium a car producing country? Of course with several factories of leading manufacturing in the country. Is Belgium creating […]